A service should exist to solve a problem
This article is follow up to my previous article, Thoughts about service granularity.
It digs deeper into the idea that
Thoughts about service granularity
The issue of service granularity is a fascinating, perhaps even controversial, topic.
On the one hand, a significant fraction of
Only you know what's best for your application
Software architecture is all about making decisions.
For example, you need to select an architecture style - monolith vs. microservices.
Evolving your application's technology stack
Earlier this year, I was lucky enough to visit the Pantheon in Rome.
First built around 126 AD, it’s
Refactoring a monolith to microservices: understanding your AS-IS state
The first step of any architecture modernization effort is to understand what problems need to be solved.
It’s especially
Eight principles for refactoring a monolith to microservices
An architectural modernization effort, such as refactoring a monolith to microservices, is a major undertaking.
It’s not something to
Office hours - Thursday August 10th
Please mark your calendars. I will have office hours on Thursday August 10th at 7.30am PDT (4.30pm Paris,
Office hours - Friday July 28th
Please mark your calendars. I will have office hours on Friday July 28th at 7.30am PDT (4.30pm Paris,