Preventing the descent into unmaintainable hell: tracking and improving architecture metrics
Previously, I described how you can prevent your applications descent into hell by tracking the DORA metrics and the DevEx
Preventing the descent into unmaintainable hell: tracking and improving DevEx metrics
As I previously described, one way organizations can prevent their descent into unmaintainable hell is by tracking the DORA metrics.
Thoughts about team size
I recently saw a LinkedIn post about team size:
In many orgs, Amazon’s 2-pizza team approach is a poor
Should I use a microservice to do X? And other design questions
Recently, in response to my call for questions, a reader asked about how to design microservices for their financial services
Preventing the descent into unmaintainable hell: tracking and improving the DORA metrics
As I previously described, sooner or later, many software applications become unmaintainable.
Applications devolve into a tangled and fragile mess
Got questions about microservices?
Do you have a burning question about the microservice architecture? Struggling with a design issue at work?
Building bad software quickly (and how to avoid it)
Over the past year, I’ve talked to numerous developers who have said
our application is ‘****’, it’s so complex
A service should exist to solve a problem
This article is follow up to my previous article, Thoughts about service granularity.
It digs deeper into the idea that
Thoughts about service granularity
The issue of service granularity is a fascinating, perhaps even controversial, topic.
On the one hand, a significant fraction of